Hair How Latest Questions

Hey everyone, how can I remove olive oil from my hair? I may have gone a bit overboard with it while doing a hair treatment last night, and now my hair feels greasy and sticky. What methods or products do ...

Hi there! Does laser hair removal really help with ‘strawberry legs’? Can it reduce the appearance of dark and bumpy pores on the legs? Any experiences or advice from someone who has tried this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Do people with red hair also have red pubic hair? I’m curious about whether the color of someone’s pubic hair corresponds to the color of their head hair 😀

Can you apply mousse to synthetic hair extensions or wigs? I’d like to know if using mousse is safe and effective for styling and managing synthetic hair, and if there are any specific considerations or precautions to keep in mind ...

Is dyeing your hair a sin? Can you enlighten me from a religious perspective on this matter? Additionally, are there different views or rules regarding this in various religions or cultures?

How much hair dye do I need based on the length of my hair? What would you recommend in terms of the amount or number of tubes required for a specific length of hair? Also, how long do the effects ...