Hair How Latest Questions

Hey there, I’ve been thinking a lot about my hair care routine lately. I’ve heard that finding the right balance between protein and moisture is crucial for healthy hair. Could you assist me in figuring out whether my hair is ...

Hey everyone, how can I remove olive oil from my hair? I may have gone a bit overboard with it while doing a hair treatment last night, and now my hair feels greasy and sticky. What methods or products do ...

How much hair dye do I need based on the length of my hair? What would you recommend in terms of the amount or number of tubes required for a specific length of hair? Also, how long do the effects ...

I’ve always been curious about something. Can people with albinism dye their hair? I’ve wondered how their unique hair texture and color would react to dyes. Thanks for any insights!

Hey everyone, I’m trying to figure out if my hair really needs protein or moisture. It can get a bit confusing with hair care sometimes, right? I want to know which products to use by considering both options. Is there ...