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Can you put mousse on synthetic hair?

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Can you apply mousse to synthetic hair extensions or wigs? I’d like to know if using mousse is safe and effective for styling and managing synthetic hair, and if there are any specific considerations or precautions to keep in mind when doing so…

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  1. Feel free to apply mousse to your synthetic hair extensions or wigs, but tread carefully. Choose alcohol-free concoctions to prevent synthetic fibers from harm caused by alcohol. Although mousse can amplify volume, its effectiveness may not be on par with that on natural hair. For safety, initiate a trial on a petite portion of your hair first. If you plan to employ heat styling thereafter, ascertain that the synthetic hair can withstand the heat. As time passes, accumulation of products can dim the vibrancy of the hair, hence it is crucial to regularly cleanse using products specifically formulated for synthetic hair. And do remember, whilst styling, employ a comb with widely-spaced teeth to evade tugging or injuring the fibers.