Hair How Latest Questions

How much hair dye do I need based on the length of my hair? What would you recommend in terms of the amount or number of tubes required for a specific length of hair? Also, how long do the effects ...

Hello, can Sjögren’s syndrome cause hair loss? I’d like to gather more information on this because hair loss has become a concerning issue for me. Sjögrens syndrome is an autoimmune disease that affects the moisture producing glands in the body. ...

Hey everyone, I’m trying to figure out if my hair really needs protein or moisture. It can get a bit confusing with hair care sometimes, right? I want to know which products to use by considering both options. Is there ...

I’ve always wondered why hairdressers seem to dye hair before cutting it. Is there a specific reason or advantage to coloring the hair before the haircut? I’d love to understand the logic behind this sequence and why it’s a common ...