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How to get olive oil out of hair?

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Hey everyone, how can I remove olive oil from my hair? I may have gone a bit overboard with it while doing a hair treatment last night, and now my hair feels greasy and sticky. What methods or products do you recommend for solving this kind of issue? I’d really appreciate it if you could share your experiences or suggestions. Thanks!

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  1. Greetings! Ah, I have ventured into that realm before! Behold, the secrets that unveiled triumph for me:

    Dish Soap: Behold the madness! Yet its purpose is to dismantle oils. Just employ a minuscule quantity, froth up, and rinse meticulously. Proceed with a splendid conditioner as it may cause dryness.

    Dry Shampoo: Should you resist an immediate wash, dry shampoo can aid in the absorption of superfluous oil.

    Clarifying Shampoo: These marvels are tailored to eradicate the accumulation of hair products. Perchance, it shall assist in combating the olive oil as well!

    Egg Wash: Fuse an egg with a tad of shampoo and administer this concoction onto your hair. The proteins within the egg shall aid in disintegrating the oil.

    Cornstarch or Baby Powder: Sprinkle a pinch onto your roots, allow it to rest for a few moments, then brush it away. It shall help in siphoning the oil.

    Recall, each person’s hair is distinct, thus what proves fruitful for one might not prove fruitful for another. Nonetheless, I have faith that one of these enchantments shall grant you solace! Best of luck!